The ‘business’ part of the well-being industry can be difficult to navigate, especially for self-employed professionals. You’ve developed your skills through specific training to help people through their own personal development journey. But actually finding the people that will benefit from working with you is another challenge…
It’s useful to think of marketing as a way to connect with people you can help within your professional code of ethics. And always putting issues of safeguarding, confidentiality, security, and privacy first.
People can’t always articulate what help they need. It’s why you work through your assessment questions at your initial appointment with a new client – to pinpoint specific areas to work on. Using a quiz as a lead generation magnet helps you guide them through some of this initial thinking.
Why quiz lead magnets are good for you – and your clients
You may have concerns that using a quiz somehow trivialises your clients’ issues and the importance of getting professional support. On the contrary, having a familiar, non-threatening format encourages potential clients to take this first step.
Your unique quiz gives your prospects a wide-lens look at their own situation, from the safety of their device. However you word your questions, participants answer on a sliding scale, so their answers easily convert into numbers that can be used to demonstrate personalised data insights.
Here are 5 reasons why this benefits you and your clients:
- Actionable insights – Your clients get quiz results that are immediately useful to them, based on their own thoughts about how they’re currently handling their health and well-being.
- Pre-qualified leads – You only get inquiries from people who are already interested in pursuing the type of treatment you offer. Pre-qualifying leads like this saves you from wasting time on people who need a different type of support. It can also help you see potential gaps in the market, where people want support that currently isn’t available.
- Useful data insights – Participants get the immediate benefit of a detailed personalised report that helps them see their specific areas of development. Your quiz metrics gives you specifics to address in your email nurturing campaigns – the awkward ‘in’ is self-identified by their quiz answers.
- Quick marketing wins – Your aim is a full appointment book – which doesn’t leave you much time for sales and marketing tasks. With ScoreApp’s quiz templates, you can create several quiz funnels to target the clients you’re best positioned to help with your service. And you don’t have to even think about designing the form, mobile optimisation, or creating a landing page – everything’s ready, you just need to add your questions (and there’s help with that too!).
- Clients are signalling interest – By taking your quiz, prospective clients are showing you they’re interested in your offering. They’re choosing to participate and share their details. This helps you deliver marketing messages in a way that genuinely connects you with people you can help. Rather than an icky ‘hard sell’ situation that isn’t aligned with your professional business ethics.
So now you know why we love quizzes so much, here are 21 quiz lead magnet ideas to jumpstart the creation of your awesome new quiz lead magnet.
Just skimming through this list should spark some inspiration for the right questions to ask your next clients!
1. “What’s Your Stress Level?” Quiz

This is a great way to help people define which areas of their life are most stressful and how stressed they actually are, overall. Particularly for people who just ‘keep on going’, this is a way for them to take a quick snapshot of their own stress level.
Quiz question ideas
- How often do you feel stressed at work? Do you regularly take on family responsibilities that make you feel anxious?
- How often do you find it hard to get to sleep?
The report assesses the stress levels of the participants in the different areas you define. It sends them a personalised report, showing the findings and offering an overall conclusion about their overall stress level.
Follow-up email idea
By using the information from these results you can set up a nurturing email sequence that follows up their report with some tips about areas where they need particular advice. Something like…
Your report indicates that you often find it difficult to get to sleep. Here are some sleep hygiene tips you might like to try and a free ‘Night, night’ meditation story – designed to help you turn off your brain when it’s time to sleep. Sweet dreams…
2. “How Emotionally Resilient Are You?” Quiz
This quiz is designed to help people gauge their emotional resilience and identify strategies to strengthen their weaker areas.
Quiz question ideas
- How able are you to identify and express your emotions?
- Do you find it easy to ask for help?
- How well do you handle the criticism of others?
Follow-up email idea
Tips to help you deal with your emotions when you face criticism from other people in different contexts. (At work, from friends, in a relationship.)
3. “What’s Your Self-Care Style?” Quiz
This is your chance to pre-assess your clients, based on how they already look after themselves. Asking them generally – ‘If you’re having a self-care moment or day, what are you doing?’
Going deeper with some more specific questions gives you the opportunity to see how they approach self-care and where your guidance can benefit a more rounded approach.
Quiz question ideas
- Does self-care mean the absence of tasks?
- Do you involve other people in taking care of ‘things’ while you take care of you?
- How much of your self-care involves physical activity?
Follow-up email idea
I can see from your results that you’re really on top of the nutritional aspect of self-care – great work! Here are some simple options to help you bring your physical activity efforts up to the same level…
4. “Which Therapy is Right for You?” Quiz
This is a great way to help people find the right professional for them. The variety of therapy types out there is brilliant for receiving specialised treatment, but it can be overwhelming during the initial stages for your potential customers.
If you’re a large organisation that has a multitude of therapy options, data insights from this kind of quiz can tell you how much demand there is for each one.
If you’re a self-employed professional who specialises in one type of therapy, this helps you identify and prequalify the best-fit leads. Therapy type is defined by a combination of client issues and their therapist preferences – which is reflected in the questions you ask.
Quiz question ideas
- Why are you considering therapy today? (For example, referral, grief, addiction, relationship issues)
- How important are these different therapist features? (For example, sex, age, religion, LGBTQI+)
- In the last month, how often have you felt like you’re letting yourself or others down?
Follow-up email idea
Your quiz report shows that you have negative thoughts about yourself on a daily basis. As a CBT therapist, I can help you reframe your thinking and develop strategies to use on your own. Try this short exercise to see what I mean.
5. “How Mindful Are You?” Quiz

A mindfulness quiz measures participants’ everyday mindfulness levels. This alerts them to the fact that their actual level of mindfulness may be lower than they think.
Measure mindfulness levels and provide exercises to enhance mindfulness.
Quiz question ideas
- How easy is it for you to be fully in the moment?
- In one day, how often do you spend not looking at a screen?
- How often do you ‘keep busy’ so you don’t have to spend time with particular thoughts or feelings?
Follow-up email idea
Your report highlighted that you have difficulty focusing on your thoughts without outside distractions. Listen to this short meditation practice every day for 2 weeks and measure your progress. Everyone can find 3 minutes – yes, only 3 minutes.
6. “What’s Your Love Language?” Quiz
‘Love language’ has become a bit of a buzzphrase. But identifying how you recognise love from others and understanding that others may not show their love in that way can make relationship communication much clearer. And it can help you as a well-being professional to know this about a potential client…
Quiz question ideas
- How often do you like to hear ‘I love you’ from your partner?
- How important is physical affection in an intimate relationship?
- What makes you feel more appreciated: a big romantic gesture or expensive gift, an everyday action or present (that might be inexpensive) but shows deep understanding?
Follow-up email idea
In your love language report, you identified that you feel the love behind everyday actions that make you feel appreciated, known as ‘Acts of service’.
Your relationship improvement task for this week is this: Every time your partner does something like this – thank them profusely and tell them why you appreciate it so much.
7. “How Balanced is Your Life?” Quiz
Achieving work-life balance is discussed regularly – but a truly balanced life is much more than finding an equilibrium between these two weights. Your quiz can delve into different areas of life and the underlying reasons why things become off-kilter so you can support your clients through making positive changes.
Question ideas
- How good are you at saying ‘no’ to things you don’t want to do?
- In the last month, on average, what percentage of your time was spent doing things you have to do and doing things you want to do?
- How often do you spend time with friends, outside your family?
Follow-up email idea
Your time is very heavily weighted towards spending time doing things you have to do. Here’s a top tip to figure out some more health percentages.
Look at your weekly timetable and mark things (maybe in different colours) as ‘have to’, ‘enjoy’, and ‘want to’. Is there any way you can get help with some of the ‘have to’ tasks, so you can spend a little time on the ‘want to’ ones? Ask for that help and explain why.
8. “What’s Your Anxiety Type?” Quiz
Identifying what triggers anxiety can help people identify coping mechanisms that make their lives lighter. And if you’re offering professional help for people with anxiety, self-identifying this without talking to you might in fact help reduce their anxiety in reaching out for help…
Quiz question ideas
- Do you spend a lot of time preparing what you’re going to say and do in an upcoming social situation?
- Are you particularly tense in situations with lots of people, like large events or public transport?
- How often do you suddenly get physical symptoms of an anxiety (or panic) attack?
Follow-up email idea
From your quiz results, it looks like you can do with some help with anxiety attacks. Join this free webinar where 3 anxiety experts give different strategies for dealing with this difficult physical symptom.
9. “How Strong are Your Boundaries?” Quiz
Your quiz gives participants a concrete way to evaluate their current personal boundaries. It’s often difficult to see where things need to be reset. Then you can help them to improve their boundaries and mental well-being.
Quiz question ideas
- How often do you say ‘yes’ to something you’d rather say ‘no’ to?
- Do you feel guilty if you say ‘no’ to someone else’s request?
- How do you feel if someone says ‘no’ to you?
Follow-up email idea
Setting healthy limits when things have gone awry can be uncomfortable for everyone involved. If you’re the person who always says ‘yes’, other people in your life need to adjust to your new boundary-setting.
You’ve said that you almost always say ‘yes’ when you’d rather say ‘no.’ This week say a truthful ‘no’ to one request. No excuses, no guilt, no explanation. Just a clear ‘No, thank you.’ You can do it!
10. “What’s Your Conflict Resolution Style?” Quiz

As you know, different conflict resolution styles can have different impacts on the people your clients work and live with. Assessing their skills in a quiz format gives them an outside perspective on where their baseline is.
Quiz question ideas
- How do you deal with an employee who’s consistently late for work?
- How likely are you to intervene in a disagreement between two colleagues?
- In a situation where another colleague has made a direct complaint about you to a manager, how likely are you to directly confront them about it?
Follow-up email idea
According to your quiz results, your style of conflict resolution leads to compromise. This is a great way to work collaboratively with your team. To help with situations that need a more direct, unilateral approach, join our podcast listeners on next week’s show.
11. “What’s Your Attachment Style?” Quiz
Attachment styles are formed through childhood experiences. But their impact can be felt throughout adult relationships. This type of quiz helps your prospective clients identify their own attachment style and use the insights to develop healthier relationships.
Quiz question ideas
- Do you worry that you care more about other people than they care about you?
- Do you fear that people close to you will abandon you?
- How comfortable are you opening up to others?
Follow-up email idea
Top tip for developing confidence opening up to others. Start small. Action: Share how you’re feeling about something, in the moment. Just once. This week.
12. “How Compassionate Are You Towards Yourself?” Quiz
People’s lack of self-compassion can really hamper their personal growth. Getting an actual measurement can really help kickstart a gentler, more understanding relationship with themselves.
Quiz question ideas
- How often do you tell yourself you shouldn’t feel what you’re feeling?
- When life is tough, how gentle are you with yourself?
- If something’s gone wrong, how likely are you to see this as ‘everyone goes through rough patches?’
Follow-up email idea
To practise more kindness towards yourself, try this exercise. Write a letter to yourself, as if you’re one of your friends in the same position. What would you say to them?
13. “What’s Your Communication Style?” Quiz
People often talk about communication styles when they have issues with their interpersonal interactions. A quiz with insights on communication style is a safe place to begin investigating ways they can improve their own communication skills.
Quiz question ideas
- How often do you include hard data in your communication with others at work?
- Do you bring up how people feel about the situation during work meetings?
- Do you prefer a linear conversation that takes things step-by-step, or to jump straight to the point?
Follow-up email idea
You’ve clearly identified yourself as an analytical communicator. Choose one element of the personal communication style that you think will resonate with your colleagues and add it to your next presentation.
14. “How Aligned Are Your Values and Actions?” Quiz
Misalignment of core values and actions can cause very real pain. This is an opportunity for participants to get a clear picture of where they have become disconnected and use this as a basis for improvement.
Quiz question ideas
- What values drive your actions at work/home/in relationships?
- What are your most deeply held values?
- What values are most difficult to live by?
Follow-up email idea
You’ve identified ‘x’ as the value you find most difficult to live by. Take 10 minutes every day this week to ponder why. At the end of the week write out why this is the most difficult value to align with your actions. What can you do to improve it?
15. “What’s Your Emotional Intelligence Score?” Quiz

Emotional intelligence is how we identify, perceive, understand and manage our own emotions – and how this affects our social interactions. You can help your prospects evaluate their own emotional intelligence and offer ways to support areas for development.
Quiz question ideas
- When making a decision, how often do you consider how you’ll feel in the future, as well as right now?
- Generally, how good are you at regulating your emotions?
- How good are you at picking up on others’ body language?
Follow-up email idea
You’ve identified that you find it tricky to read other people’s body language cues. This free workshop is great for going through the details of some typical body language and why interpreting these cues can really improve your social interactions.
16. “How Effective is Your Coping Mechanism?” Quiz
This quiz is to help your potential clients measure the effectiveness of their current coping mechanisms – and supply them with alternatives.
Quiz question ideas
- How stressful is your life right now?
- How often do you crave your comfort foods when you’re feeling stressed?
- Do you use physical activity to relieve stress?
Follow-up email idea
According to your results, you haven’t tried mindfulness practices before. Perhaps you can try this mediation technique, next time the snack cupboard is tempting you.
17. “What’s Your Sleep Quality?” Quiz
A good quality of sleep is absolutely essential for overall health and well-being. A quiz like this helps participants identify any patterns that are getting in the way of a good night’s sleep.
Quiz question ideas
- How regularly do you have trouble falling asleep?
- How often do you feel rested when you wake up in the morning?
- How many hours of uninterrupted sleep do you usually get?
Follow-up email idea
As falling asleep seems to be a problem area for you, here’s a sleep hygiene guide to help you create the best environment for rest.
18. “How Grateful Are You?” Quiz
Gratitude is something many people miss from their plans to create a happy life – often through just not considering it. Insights from this quiz give them a mechanism to gauge their level of gratitude and ways to cultivate it in different ways.
Quiz question ideas
- How often do you appreciate the basic good things in your life, like a home and food?
- Do you think it’s important to appreciate things like family and good health?
- How often do you sit with a feeling of contentment about your current life?
Follow-up email idea
To help you appreciate how gratitude is an important part of a happy life, try this exercise. Keep a gratitude diary for a month. Every day, take a few minutes to list all the things in your life you’re grateful for.
At the end of the month, re-read the wonderful things you have in your life and consider how noticing them so explicitly has made you feel.
19. “What’s Your Work-Life Balance?” Quiz
Everyone’s striving for this one! Making positive steps in your work-life balance starts by assessing your current situation. This quiz gives potential clients a good foundation to build on, with your strategies as scaffolding for improvement.
Quiz question ideas
- In the last month, what percentage of your time was spent working?
- Do you find it easy to switch off from work when you’re not there?
- How often do you miss events in your personal life because of work commitments?
Follow-up email idea
You’ve discovered that it’s difficult for you to switch off from work, even when you’re at home. Watch this webinar on ‘Finding your off switch’ and see what strategy will work best for you.
20. “How Well Do You Manage Change?” Quiz

Change is an inevitable part of life and your work to help people build their resilience is invaluable. This quiz gives them a way to evaluate how well they adapt to changes in their lives, so they can see where support can help.
Quiz question ideas
- When faced with a dramatic life-changing event, how often do you talk to others to process the impact?
- How certain of success do you need to be before you initiate change?
- How frequently do you let others’ opinions influence whether or not you make a change in your life?
Follow-up email idea
To gain confidence in your own capacity to handle change, give this exercise a try. Write down a previous time when you made a big change to your life and how you dealt with managing that – in all its facets.
21. “What Can You Let Go Of?” Quiz
This quiz focuses on what you can let go of in different areas of your life, to reduce overall stress. This helps participants remove their own barriers to success.
Quiz question ideas
- How strongly do you feel that ‘letting go’ is another way of saying you failed?
- Do you think there’s at least one person in your life that you need to let go of?
- Are you holding onto blame (either of yourself or others) when you think about difficult situations?
Follow-up email idea
You’ve identified that there’s at least one person in your life that you need to let go of. This isn’t an easy process. Listen to this podcast to hear how our panel negotiated their ‘letting go’ in different ways.
Set up your health and well-being quiz in minutes with ScoreApp
ScoreApp makes it easy for you to create the quiz lead magnets as you need to connect with your different audience segments:
- Use pre-built templates and the new AI builder to create genuinely engaging, fully customisable quizzes
- Ask strategic questions that deliver powerful insights for your business
- Immediately send powerful results to your audience
- Send personalised email nurturing sequences that are fully automated
Build your first ScoreApp quiz for free today!