Launching a quiz is exciting.
It’s a fun, new way to grow your audience, and it’s so much easier promoting a quiz than other types of lead magnets.
Quizzes also tend to convert way more visitors into leads too, which means you build your audience faster. It’s a win-win.
However, quizzes are not all built the same. Some quizzes are perfectly crafted machines, and some quizzes are not fit for purpose. This is exactly why we wrote this article.
Below I’ve outlined the 9 most common mistakes that quiz builders make and how they might impact the success of your quiz.
Don’t worry. It’s not all doom and gloom. I also provide examples of how you can fix these mistakes to make your quiz ultra-successful.
Costly Quiz Mistakes
1. Bad landing page
Your landing page is the first thing people will see before taking your quiz. It’s your chance to make a promise to your visitors and convince them to take part.
If your landing page is poor, then your conversion rate is likely to be poor too. You could have spent hours building out the questions, and the results page and people might never see it because we haven’t got the landing page right.

We wrote an in-depth article about how to build the perfect quiz landing page, but here are some easy tweaks you can make.
A “value-driven” quiz headline
Your visitor needs to understand what your quiz is all about. If you don’t clearly explain it within the main heading on your landing page, then your visitor might get confused and leave. Be clear and tell them why they should take part.
Tell them how long the quiz will take
We are all busy people, and we don’t have time to be sitting around taking quizzes all day. This is why you want to give your visitors a very clear indication of how long this might take them.
If you have 10 questions or fewer, you can say, “Answer these 7 simple questions to reveal your score.”
If you have more than 10 questions, you might say, “In less than 2 minutes, you’ll get your score.”
Tell them why they should give up their time
Nobody likes wasting their time and getting nothing of value in return. This is why you should explain what the benefits are after someone takes your quiz.
You can use a simple bullet list that details the key benefits…
“Get a detailed report that tells you how to improve your…..”
“Get my free training video that explains the biggest mistakes that are costing your business time and money.”
“Get a free digital copy of my book.”
Clearly explain what they will get once they have completed the quiz. It will convert much better.
2. Not testing the lead form
Your lead form is the form that your visitor has to fill out in order to take part in your quiz and see their results. This is how you collect contact information for your leads so you can follow up with them later.
If you don’t test and tweak your lead form, then you could be missing out on more leads and, ultimately, more sales.

There are a number of ways you can test and tweak your lead form to improve your conversion rates.
Before vs After your quiz
Do you ask for contact information before or after the quiz questions? Where you place your lead form can dramatically affect how many people hand over their contact information.
There are a few rules you can follow to determine where to place your quiz lead form, and you can read more about this in this article.
The important thing is that you test both and review the data regularly before deciding on which option to choose.
Number of form fields
How much contact information do you need from your visitors to let them take part in your quiz?
Some people only ask for a name and email address, while others ask for a phone number. Some even ask for a full postal address.
It really depends on what is important to you in order to deliver what you’ve promised. Generally speaking, the more form fields you require, the less likely someone is to fill out the form.
A good rule of thumb is to only ask for information that is vital, as unnecessary forms will impact the number of conversions you get.
Copy around your quiz form
What copy do you use when asking for contact information? It’s important that you tweak this to increase conversions and to ensure you get the correct contact information.
Some people will try to take part in your quiz using fake contact information, this is why you’ll want to make your copy compelling enough that they want to give you their details.
Try using some of these ideas to increase your chances of getting accurate contact information.
“Where should we send your quiz results?”
“We’ll email you the report.”
“Your quiz score will be emailed to you.”
These sentences will ensure more people leave correct contact information.
3. Bad quiz copy
The words and language you use throughout your quiz will impact how successful it is. This is why you’ll need to spend some time optimising it, even after your quiz is live. The internet is full of dull, basic copy, and this is your chance to make your mark and engage your visitor from start to finish.

Clear is better than clever
A mistake people make when building a quiz is trying to sound interesting and clever rather than making their copy easy to understand. They say things like…
“Eco Warriors Unite” rather than “How Eco Friendly are you?”
The first one sounds fun, but it doesn’t really make sense, and this will impact the number of people who stick around and take action. Clear beats clever… every time.
Add personality to your copy
You can still be clear and direct with your language while also adding personality. Personality within your copy makes you much more memorable and keeps more visitors engaged for longer.
Rather than saying, “Become more environmentally aware by answering 27 questions” (boring), you could say, “Take our quiz and become an eco legend today; you know you want to.”
It’s easy to understand why the second option would work much better.
4. Not asking the right number of questions
How many questions do you ask as part of your quiz? 5-10 or 20-30? Maybe more?
The number of questions you ask will impact how many people complete your quiz so you’ll need to know when to use more and when to use fewer questions.

Too few questions
If you’re just looking to generate a high number of leads, then shorter quizzes tend to work better. They’re easier to complete and don’t take much effort which means more people take part. However, with fewer questions, you find that the quality of the leads and the data you collect is not as accurate.
Too many questions
If you want better quality leads, then you might want a slightly longer quiz that asks more meaningful questions. A longer quiz tends to offer a more accurate assessment of the visitor’s situation, and so the results and feedback you give are much more valuable. The downside to asking more questions is that you have more people give up part way through.
Consider what your main goal is for building a quiz, is it to get lots of leads or would you like to deliver more value?
5. Basic results page
People often underestimate the importance of a good quiz results page, which is a big mistake.
The quiz results page is where you can provide the most value to your visitor. The better the results page, the more chance that a lead will want to work with you.
If you only include a basic page with a score and very little content, then don’t be surprised if nothing comes from it.

Below are 3 ways you can improve your quiz results page.
Provide a summary of their results
When someone lands on your quiz results page, they are eager to see their results. They’ve spent time answering questions and want to see how well they’ve scored.
Make sure you present their score as clearly and obviously as possible. You don’t want them scrolling up and down the page getting confused. Try to include a big colourful pie chart or something visual if possible, that sits high up on the page.
Use dynamic content
Rather than sharing the same generic content for everyone who takes your quiz, why not use dynamic content?
Dynamic content will allow you to show a completely different results page to different people depending on whether they scored higher or lower in the quiz.
This will allow you to make everything more tailored to your visitor. You could include different copy, different images or different videos to ensure it’s more personalised.
Provide quick wins
On the result page, you want to make sure you provide some value without overwhelming your visitor. This is why “quick wins” work so well.
For each category or question, you can provide a hint or tip to help your lead get closer to their goal based on their score. If they didn’t do so well, you could refer them to a piece of relevant content or a tool that might help. This is super valuable.
6. No Call to action
When you create a quiz, you should already know what you’d like your visitor to do next. If you don’t, they won’t either, and they’ll probably take no action at all.

You need to consider what products or services, or content you’d like your visitor to take a look at next. Right after they’ve taken your quiz, they are at their most eager to learn more about you and how you can help.
A sales video
On the results page, you could include a sales video that talks about a particular product or service you’d like them to buy. By embedding the video on the results page, you have a much higher chance that they’ll watch it there and might take action. You could even include different videos depending on how high or low they scored in the quiz.
A Link to a product or service page
You could also include a call to action button that links to a sales page for a product or service you offer.
If you have a very specific quiz that leads to a very specific offer that’s super relevant then your chances of getting a sale will be much higher.
For example, if someone takes a “Personal finance Quiz” and you offer them a “personal finance planner”, then it’s a highly relevant solution to a problem you know they want to solve.
Offer more tailored content
Sometimes, people won’t be ready to buy from you straight away. Maybe your audience need more nurturing before they get in touch with you. In this case, you can provide more valuable content that’s perhaps a little more in-depth such as a book, a video course or maybe a webinar.
This often works well if your product or service is a little more expensive.
7. No quiz email sequence
Your visitors will often need to hear from you a few times before they buy from you. This is why you need an email sequence for your quiz that gets delivered automatically once someone has completed your quiz.

If you don’t have an email sequence, then your quiz leads will start to forget about the quiz, their results and how you can help. Email sequences help you to deliver more value, build trust and stay top of mind for when someone is ready to buy.
Deliver value, not a sales pitch
The more value you deliver within your sequence, the more trust you will build. Creating a quiz email sequence can take a little time, but it’s worth it. Try to make sure each email you send following the quiz has one valuable takeaway.
You could include:
- A story that’s relevant to your audience
- A tool or tactic that’s made things easy
- A lesson you learned that might help them speed up their success
We have created some quiz email templates that you can use within your own email sequence so be sure to check them out.
Vary the email content
Within your email sequence, you can also include links to various types of content. Not everyone consumes content the same way, which is why we need to offer multiple options.
Using the ideas above, try including links within your emails to extra content, such as:
- Videos that go into more detail
- Checklists that help your audience achieve a goal
- Blog articles that include tools and templates
If you mix up the content like this, you can be sure you’re providing content everyone can consume.
Ask for the sale
People won’t buy from you if you don’t ask them to. Within your email sequence, you can absolutely ask your audience to buy something from you directly or to book a call. The important thing is that you deliver helpful content first.
The more value you deliver, the more likely someone will buy. At least 80% of your content should be content-driven, and 20% could be promotional.
When you do ask for the sale within your sequence, try to ensure you make it relevant to the content you’ve already been delivering.
8. Not reviewing the data
When you launch your quiz, you’ll start collecting lots of interesting data from your quiz leads. It’s important that you review this data regularly to see what’s working and what isn’t.
If you don’t review the data, you may be wasting time and money getting the wrong leads from the wrong people.

Below are three things you can review regularly in order to improve your quiz and the leads coming through.
How many people start the quiz?
If you notice that your quiz landing page is getting lots of traffic, but your visitors aren’t taking your quiz, then you could have a problem with your landing page or the messaging.
Knowing this information could save you time and money driving traffic to a page that won’t convert visitors into leads.
How many people complete the quiz?
If your landing page is good, you might have a great conversion rate which means people start the quiz. However, if people are not completing the quiz, then you could have a problem with your quiz questions. Some of the questions might be too long or complicated, and your leads are dropping off before they get to the end. This is a big problem because they will never see the results page, and therefore, they won’t get any value from the quiz.
Which topics or questions deliver the lowest scores?
Reviewing the scores for your leads is vital if you want to help your audience solve their biggest problems. If you know that 80% of your leads tend to score lowest on one particular question, you can use this information to create new content, training or resources that can improve their score.
9. Using the wrong quiz software
When you’re thinking of launching a quiz, you might sign up to the first quiz tool you find. If it allows for questions and answers, it’s probably good enough, right? Wrong.
Using the wrong quiz software can be the difference between getting lots of leads or only a few or getting warm leads vs stone-cold leads that unsubscribe as soon as they have their results.

Below I’ve given you three things you can do when looking for quiz software to ensure you get the right tool for the job.
Look for quiz software that allows the most customisation
Find a quiz tool that allows you to edit and change as much as possible. Your product and service is unique, and you’ll want your quiz to be unique too. Although quiz software like ScoreApp comes with over 20 templates, you can still change everything to look how you want and work in a way that suits you.
Look for quiz software that offers the best data
The data you collect from your quiz leads will help you determine who are the highest quality leads. Building your email list full of quiz leads is good, but without the right data, how do you know who to follow up with first? Do some research before buying a quiz tool to find out what data they provide. The software with the best data is usually the one that makes follow-up easier and more successful.
Look for quiz software that takes care of the full funnel from start to finish
You want to find a quiz tool that can help you build a successful quiz from start to finish. This includes:
- High-quality quiz Landing Pages
- A variety of question formats
- A value-driven results page
- Quiz tools and resources to help you attract more leads
- Regular training, so you know how to follow up with your leads.
- And so on…
How to prevent these quiz mistakes?
Having the knowledge to prevent these mistakes is one thing, but having the right quiz tool to help is much more important. By choosing the right quiz software, a lot of these mistakes can be prevented before they even occur.
Luckily for you, we can help with that. ScoreApp wasn’t designed to be “just another quiz tool”. We built ScoreApp so you can build a high-quality group of potential customers that deliver more sales and more revenue.
To try ScoreApp for yourself, click the link below and sign up for a free trial.