Scorecard marketing for Authors
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Join the 2000+ business and entrepreneurs growing with scorecard marketing

Find out how Philip Calvert uses ScoreApp to get more customers

Grow your financial business with Scorecard Marketing
More leads
More data
More loyal customers
Learn more about Scorecard Marketing
A Scorecard is much like a quiz (questionnaire / assessment / test) but rather than just collecting answers from people with no value returned, a Scorecard uses the data collected to instantly provide valuable insights back to the person taking it. This makes it an amazing lead magnet in it’s own right. Your lead gets more value than ever because it’s tailored specifically to them, and you get a tonne of data in the process which increases your ability to sell. It’s win win and a really powerful way to grow your business especially if you have to get to know someone before they become a client. And… ScoreApp makes all of this a breeze to setup.

Try one of our Demo Scorecard templates
We’ve built a range of Scorecard Templates across multiple industries.
What people are saying about ScoreApp
We’ve built ScoreApp with the goal of making it as easy as possible to get setup and start generating high quality data rich leads
Another shout out for ScoreApp. The moment I first saw it had a feeling this could be the single best lead magnet I had ever seen. The idea is brilliant but I couldn’t quite position it correctly in the funnel. It’s taken a few weeks of trial and error but I’ve finally cracked it, with people now going through the scorecard and then immediately paying for products and services without even receiving any follow up email from me.
After this App you will say #lovesales
I subscribed today and in minutes I am all set, amazing.
So excited and can’t wait to share the journey with all of you. Thank you for making sales and marketing interesting to someone who hates it!
Just been having a play with the new ScoreApp builder for the first time in around 18mths. Really Impressive Tool!
Well done Steven Oddy and Team
Another shout out for ScoreApp Daniel. The moment I first saw it had a feeling this could be the single best lead magnet I had ever seen. The idea is brilliant but I couldn’t quite position it correctly in the funnel.