Does your quiz convert?
Are the people taking your quiz emotionally engaged and invested, right to the end?
In this article we have quiz funnel strategist and copywriting expert Kylie Lang showing the difference between a quiz that converts and one that doesn’t.
Quizzes that convert
The reason quizzes convert – or don’t – is often down to the copy used and the emotional connection that copy evokes in the person taking the quiz.

Kylie, self confessed Abbaholic and the person behind the Quiz Funnel Formula, discovered the power of quizzes back in 2016 when looking for new ways to promote her digital course company.
It was love at first click because this was lead generation on steroids.
Very quickly though she realised there was a complete strategy behind quizzes that went far beyond the magazine quizzes of the 80s such as, ‘Are You Way Too Obsessed With Your Ex?’ Or ‘Is Your BFF Really On Your Side?’
So naturally, she developed my own Quiz Funnel Formula, to help course creators, coaches and service providers take the stress out of building a magic.
In this article, she takes us through her process of creating a lead magnet that actually works and converts.
Over to Kylie...
You can download the PDF version of this document, made by Kylie, here.
Why Personality Quizzes?
My zone of genius is personality-based quizzes which have a copywriting focus.
For me, the difference between a quiz that converts and one that doesn’t is often down to the copy used and the emotional connection that copy evokes in the person taking the quiz.

You have to make them feel like they’re in the right place and you get them – this is where your copy comes in because believe it or not people take quizzes seriously. They expect to reveal something meaningful about themselves.
They’ve invested their time in answering your questions and now they want to learn something in return. And as humans we have a thirst for self-knowledge.
What is your Zone of Genius?
Your quiz should essentially be answering one big question. And that question needs to be relevant to the problem you’re solving with the outcomes of your quiz. In other words, your own zone of genius.
The way I like to think of this section is my question is the overriding problem most of my audience has and the outcomes are the reason they have that problem – the outcomes are much more specific than the question itself.
So the question I want to ask you is what is your business superpower? Usually with this question we should be able to answer it pretty much straight away as it should be instinctive. because that’s the solution you provide for the problem your audience has.
This is a great place to start when thinking about the topic of your quiz. You should be able to reverse engineer your superpower and turn it into a question your audience has and wants answered.
If you’re a productivity coach, then maybe your superpower is ‘Getting more done in less time’. As a yoga instructor maybe it’s ‘helping people to get more flexible’.
If you’re in PR maybe your zone of genius is ‘getting people published in relevant mediums’.
And now…
The Action Steps
Step 1: What’s Your Business Superpower?
What do you do to make people’s lives or businesses better? And it’s ok to write this in lots of different ways. I like to try at least 5 variations of my superpower.

What questions is your quiz asking?
For your quiz title you need to think in terms of what’s going to make people sit up and take notice. What’s going to make them want to click and take the quiz. There needs to be a certain amount of curiosity and intrigue here.
Now there are certain tried and tested buzz words that just work when it comes to quizzes. I know because I’ve tested them all. Anything with words like secret or hidden in the title work well because we feel that we’re about to reveal something exciting we didn’t know before.
And not every quiz is going to come at it from a positive angle. In some cases, we’ll be trying to identify some kind of weakness So we’ll use words in the title like Archetype, Saboteur, Blindspot and Blocker because they’re catchy and do that job very well.
So here’s some examples:
- Health Quiz: What’s Your Fit Foodie Score?
- Social Media Quiz: What’s Your Hidden Instagram Style?
- Podcast Quiz: What’s Your ‘Killer Queen’ True Crime Score?
- Finance Quiz: What’s Your Inner Money Mindset Gremlin?
- Wellness Quiz: What’s Your Holistic Wellness Archetype?
- Sales Quiz: What’s Your #1 Client Attraction Blindspot?
Step 2: Brainstorm 5-10 different Quiz Title possibilities
Try to focus on the positive with your quiz topic, paint a picture of the problem you solve, don’t just pinpoint the problem.
Your quiz landing page
Now that you’ve come up with the quiz title, it’s time to think about your quiz landing page – this is where your copy needs to be primed to make them want to take action.

There’s a few things your quiz landing page needs to have:
TONE: Always use an appropriate tone of voice for the audience and message.
BREVITY: If you can say it in 4 words, don’t use more. One of the best ways to achieve brevity is to cut out unnecessary adjectives and superlatives like ‘very’.
EMPATHY: Picture your audience. What are their pain points? Use ‘you’ rather than ‘me’ or ‘I’. Tell them a story that creates a bond to make them feel understood and valued.
SOCIAL PROOF & AUTHORITY: This is a trust building technique. Use customer testimonials, and showcase relevant experience, skills, or qualifications.
CALL TO ACTION: Move visitors onto your quiz with a few CTA buttons that entice them in easily.
Step 3: Decide on the Sections for your Quiz Landing Page & Write the Copy
For inspiration take another peek at the quiz I created specifically for this training using ScoreApp.
Your quiz outcomes & personalities
It’s results time and this is where you need to really open your mind and think big. What are the possible outcomes?
Based on the question you’ve asked there has to be at least 2 different outcomes – I recommend between 3-4 if possible as it allows you to drill down further and get more specific with your results.
Remember it’s about how you can give the most value without giving them the world. Creating 3-4 outcomes really allows you to do this, dig deeper into the root of their problem.
Your quiz personalities should come from your experiences working with past or current clients. Start with what you already know. Who makes up your audience, and what personality traits do you see among them?
Don’t forget, as we mentioned at the start of this workbook, You want this result to be accurate because people take quizzes seriously and assume you’ll be providing value when they see their outcome.
They’re hoping to learn more about themselves and get access to more self-knowledge through your quiz results.
Step 4: Decide on the name for each of your quiz results (between 3-4)
Define three to four personality types that would describe the members of your audience. Start with what you already know. Who makes up your audience, and what personality traits do you see among them?
Your quiz results
Your results are where your power lies because you want your audience to have that lightbulb moment of OMG, they really get me, they understand me, and they know my struggles.

When you write quiz results, how well you understand the natural wiring of each audience member matters. How can you weave in their attributes, personality traits, challenges, motivations, goals, and quirks? I usually have 6-7 different section in my results pages as follows:
SECTION 1 – Announcement of Results. I usually encourage a 90 second video here if possible as it immediately helps you to make a connection.
SECTION 2 – a high level overview of their results – The key purpose of this first section is to bolster them and affirm that they made the right choice in taking the quiz.
SECTION 3 – the visualisation of what life would be like if they could solve their problem / bust some common myths.
SECTION 4 – Introduce the Solution with a Clear and Compelling Headline. Add 1-3 Relevant Strategies to Help Them Reach Their Goals
SECTION 5 – Use this section to introduce yourself to your audience – not the corporate version but the lighter more story based version.
SECTION 6 – Insert Quiz Result Amplifiers or Curated Resources for Each Outcome. This is a great opportunity to lead quiz takers to other content you have that might be relevant for them.
Step 5: Start to map out your Quiz Result Sections
Again, if you want some inspiration on what this looks like in reality take the quiz I created specifically for this training using ScoreApp.
Your quiz questions
And finally, we move onto the Quiz questions which will help you bring the personality types to life!
Try to write your quiz questions with one or two real people in mind who are already in your audience. If they’d enjoy taking your quiz the likelihood is that other people in your audience will too.
Your questions are important, and I like to think of them in the format of a story with a beginning, middle and end.

When you read a story, the writer builds up to the meaty part they don’t dive in headfirst. They set the scene and that’s what your quiz questions need to do. It’s like wanting to read the sequel to the book you just read that you didn’t want to end.
There is nothing better than a book that leaves you wanting more – it means the author has done their job.
Follow the story arc when creating your questions and take them on that journey leaving them desperate to know more – in other words handing over their name and email to receive their quiz results.
Step 6: Start to map out your Quiz Questions.
There are three main question types, diagnosis, non diagnosis and visualisation. DON’T worry about what answers you’re going to put down for each one just yet. That will only distract you from coming up with great questions.
Thanks for reading – hopefully following these steps will get your quiz converting and have a positive impact on your business.
Who is Kylie Lang?
Kylie is a Quiz Funnel Strategist who first discovered the power of quizzes through her own digital course company 6 years ago.
She’s spent that time refining her process to a point where her very first quiz now consistently brings in 10,000+ leads every, single year.
Her clients include course creators, photographers, brand designers, yoga instructors, wedding planners, real estate agents, coaches in all sorts of different disciplines and too many other niches to mention.
Kylie runs courses and training to help perfect your quizzes, more information available on
Kylie lead the ScoreApp Masterclass on Wednesday 20th July 2022 on Perfect Copy for Quizzes.
You can download the PDF version of this document, made by Kylie, here.