Are you looking for a powerful B2B lead generation strategy to sell your offers consistently and grow your business?
Then, get inspired by some successful real-life examples, and discover how each idea can work in practice.
To help you find the right B2B lead generation strategy for you, I included different tactics and industries. They all have ONE thing in common, though (spoiler alert: a quiz).
Let’s start learning from them!
Brian Millar, Clarity Up Consulting: Using a waitlist to sell out

Most launches rely on guesswork.
You come up with a product or service idea based on what you think your audience wants, spend months creating it, announce it to the world and… hope for the best. And in some cases? Crickets.
Instead, a much safer B2B lead generation strategy involves using a waitlist to gauge interest and promote your offer successfully. How?
Simple: you come up with an initial idea, create a waitlist for it and use a quiz to ask strategic questions. That way, you can find out if there’s enough demand before spending time and money creating your new offer. You’ll also get to uncover what your audience is MOST interested in and use that in your marketing.
That’s what Brian Millar, founder of Clarity Up Consulting, did to sell out his masterclass.
His goal was to cap the attendance and turn it into a premium experience. So, he used a ScoreApp quiz and waitlist to create demand, capture people’s details and sell the masterclass to everyone on that list.
Thanks to this approach, it sold out in less than half an hour!
Sell out consistently by creating a waitlist for FREE with ScoreApp
Matt Saunders, Business Coach: Using a quiz as a lead magnet

Traditional lead magnets (like PDFs and checklists) are so overused that they’ve become white noise. Because they’re the same for everyone, they’re also generic and static. No wonder they only convert at 3-10%!
So, for a stronger B2B lead generation strategy, you should start with a more appealing lead magnet.
And what’s a lead magnet that converts at a whopping 30-50%? A quiz, of course!
Quiz marketing offers instant and bespoke results to each participant (= more valuable for them). Then, you can segment and nurture them with personalised and relevant email sequences (= more effective for you).
Your quiz can also pre-qualify your leads by asking strategic questions like “What’s your budget for X?” or “Are you already using a [type of product]?” That way, you can keep getting leads without wasting your time and energy talking to those who’d never convert. Instead, you’ll only arrange calls with the warmest ones (high five!).
Thanks to their quiz results, you’ll also get to identify the right solution and approach for each prospect before speaking to them 1:1.
Matt Saunder, a coach for freelancers, has been doing that successfully with ScoreApp. He created “The Freelance Business Strength Test”, a free quiz lead magnet that scores his audience against different areas to uncover what makes them stand out.
Then, after nurturing his new subscribers with different automated sequences, he gets to recommend the best offer for each of them (whether that’s his eBook, membership or coaching programme).
Create a FREE quiz lead magnet with ScoreApp
Philip Calvert, Financial Advisor: Using a Scorecard

As you now know, quiz marketing gives you a HUGE advantage over traditional lead magnets.
However, that doesn’t mean you can just put together a random BuzzFeed-style quiz, churn out basic results that disappear as soon as your participants click away… and expect to make sales.
You must create a valuable quiz and results for your audience! The best format? A Scorecard.
Unlike standalone percentages or profiles, Scorecards are divided into categories: they show your participants what they’re already doing well and what they still need help with. That way, they will receive more personalised tips via email, and you will get to recommend the perfect solution for them.
For example, Phil Calvert created a “LinkedIn Health Check Scorecard” with ScoreApp.
He promoted it everywhere and used it as a call to action at the end of his training webinars. The results?
A single online event with 120 attendees generated 97 leads in only 11 minutes! Then, thanks to ScoreApp’s features and automations, he got to nurture them strategically and in a more personalised way, upselling the most relevant solution for each of them.
Create strategic Scorecards for FREE with a ScoreApp quiz
Lyndsay & Martin, Jammy Digital: Webinar & quiz combo

B2B webinars are a fantastic opportunity to stand out, make a personal connection with your audience and build trust.
Sadly, not every business has a good strategy to nurture and convert those attendees (during and after the actual event). Once again, that’s where a quiz comes into play!
For example, Lyndsay and Martin, founders of the content marketing agency Jammy Digital, have been relying on a ScoreApp quiz for all their webinars.
They run them periodically to share their marketing knowledge with their audience, and they even encourage their attendees to complete a live quiz during the actual event.
Then, as well as receiving personalised results, those leads are added to an email list that feeds into their online course.
Thanks to this B2B lead generation strategy, they’ve already sold their course to 45 people (and counting!).
Turn more webinar attendees into leads and clients with a FREE ScoreApp quiz
Craig Dean, Brandin Marketing – Creating engaging B2B content

LinkedIn is responsible for over 80% of all B2B leads. So, it’d be crazy not to make the most of this platform!
However, many businesses do use LinkedIn… but they’re only getting likes and engagement, NOT actual inbound leads.
This tends to be because they share generic content, put their audience off with direct sales pitches or try to convert their followers with a boring PDF lead magnet.
Instead, you can generate more B2B leads on LinkedIn by creating fresh content and using it to direct people to your quiz.
That’s how Craig Dean, co-founder of Brandin Marketing, gets B2B leads from his LinkedIn profile, reaching a juicy 41% conversion rate (without spending money on ads).
With ScoreApp, he created a “LinkedIn Profile Score Quiz” and added it to his profile. Then, he’s been directing his followers to it through his content and DMs.
Now, his ScoreApp quiz keeps segmenting and nurturing all these participants on his behalf, even when he’s sleeping.
Finally, Craig only gets in touch with the right prospects via DMs: he references their quiz results, presents his offers as the logical solution to their problems and closes more deals. Smart, right?
Get more B2B leads from LinkedIn with a FREE ScoreApp quiz
Take control of your B2B lead generation with a ScoreApp quiz

As you’ve seen, there are LOTS of creative and effective B2B lead generation strategies you can try. The most successful ones, though? They tend to include a strong and compelling quiz.
Maybe you want to use it to:
- Sell out consistently
- Get more people into your sales funnel
- Impress them with a Scorecard
- Convert your webinar attendees
- Get leads on Linkedin
(Or maybe to achieve all those goals?)
Either way, with ScoreApp, you’ll always get to rely on a full lead generation funnel that keeps bringing you leads, nurturing them and priming them for a sale.
So, skyrocket your B2B lead generation: create your ScoreApp quiz today and for FREE.